Upcoming Shows
08/02/2025On tour with Dock in AbsoluteMünster Germany
07/03/2025On tour with Dock in Absolute (private event)Zürich, Switzerland Private Venue
29/03/2025On tour with Dock in AbsoluteMinden, Germany Jazz Club Minden
25/04/2025On tour with Dock in AbsoulteHannover Germany
26/04/2025Baba YagaEschdorf Luxembourg
13/05/2025On tour with Dock in AbsoulteRuhr, Germany Klavier Festival Ruhr
10/07/2025Baba YagaOreshak, Bulgaria Jazz & Art Festival Troyan
11/07/2025On tour with Dock in AbsoluteOreshak, Bulgaria Jazz & Art Festival Troyan
19/09/2025Baba Yaga Concert de MidiLuxembourg , Luxembourg Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
Past Shows
23/11/2024Scenes from Urban Life - Rainy Days Philharmonie - KAMMERATA LUXEMBOURGLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
21/11/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteKassel, Germany Theaterstübchen
21/10/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteAllensbach, Germany Gnadenkirche
14/09/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteGelsenkirchen, Germany New Colours Festival
20/07/2024Dock in Absolute Blues&Jazz Festival LuxembourgLuxembourg Luxembourg
17/07/2024100 Years Simeon ten Holt - Canto Ostinato - Victor Kraus GROUPTrier, Germany Moselmusikfestival
06/07/2024100 Years Simeon ten Holt Canto Ostinato Victor Kraus GroupLuxembourg, Luxembourg Neimënster
28/06/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteWeikersheim, Germany Tauberphilharmonie
03/06/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteStuttgart Germany
12/05/2024On Tour with Dock in AbsoluteEupen, Belgium Alter Schlachthof
23/04/2024Dock in Absolute @ Jazzkaar FestivalTallin, Estonia JAIK Hall
06/04/2024On Tour with Dock in AbsoluteParis, France Sunset Sunside
03/04/2024O' Taxi - LucilinAmsterdam Netherlands
15/03/2024VK with Authentica on Celtic FestivalDudelange , Luxembourg CNA
08/03/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteTerni Italy
07/03/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteTerni Italy
25/02/2024Nomad the Group - BABA YAGAWiltz, Luxembourg Brandbau
28/01/2024On tour with Dock in AbsoluteNamur, Belgium Grand Manège
16/12/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteMol, Belgium Cultuur Centrum
15/12/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteMaastricht, Netherlands Kumulus Theater
07/12/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteCannes France
04/11/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteBurghausen, Germany Jazzkeller
01/11/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteHamelen , Germany Double Time Jazz Club
08/10/2023DIA CD Release re-flectLuxembourg , Luxembourg Neimënster
07/10/2023CD Release Concert VKGroup Canto OstinatoEchternach , Luxembourg Trifolion
06/10/2023Concert KammerataEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
01/10/2023On tour with DIA Kunstfabrik Schlot BerlinBerlin, Germany Kunstfabrik Schlot
20/09/2023On tour with DIA @ Ronnie Schott's LondonLondon, UK Ronnie Schott's
09/07/2023Nomad the Group - Fahrradkonzert in und um SchwerinSchwerin, Germany Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
18/06/2023Nomad the Group - Baba YagaParis, France Sunset Sunside
10/06/2023Nomad the Group - Baba YagaSaarlouis, Germany Private
12/05/2023On tour with Dock un AbsoluteLiège, Belgium L'An Vert
22/04/2023Kammgarn international Jazz Festival - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteKaiserslautern, Germany Kammgarn - Kasino
12/04/2023Record Session (Résidence @ Trifolion) - Canto Ostinato VKGroupWiesbaden, Germany Studio Wiesbaden
06/04/2023Record Session (Résidence @ Trifolion) - Canto Ostinato VKGroupEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
05/04/2023Record Session (Résidence @ Trifolion) - Canto Ostinato VKGroupEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
04/04/2023Record Session (Résidence @ Trifolion) - Canto Ostinato VKGroupEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
03/04/2023Record Session (Résidence @ Trifolion) - Canto Ostinato VKGroupEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
24/03/2023Canto Ostinato_Concert de midiLuxembourg , Luxembourg Conservatoire de Luxembourg
25/02/2023On tour with Dock in AbsoluteLiverpool, United Kingdom Liverpool Jazz Festival
20/01/2023Dock in Absolute/ OPL / Gast Waltzing - ROCKHALEsch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg Rockhal
08/12/2022Sanges + (Kammerata Luxemburg)Echternach , Luxembourg Trifolion
04/12/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteLons le Saunier, France Darius Jazz Club
09/11/2022Jazzy Colours - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteParis, France Institut Liszt
05/11/2022Nomad the Group - Baba YagaVianden, Luxembourg Château de Vianden
30/10/2022On tour with Dock in Absolute - So what's next festivalEindhoven Netherlands
16/10/2022"Pause" @ NeimënsterLuxembourg , Luxembourg Salle Robert Kriebs - Neimënster
07/10/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteNiederanven, Luxembourg KHN
06/10/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteNamur, Belgium La Nef
01/10/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteRabat, Marocco Festival Jazz au Chellah
29/09/2022On tour with Dock in AbsolutePalma de Mallorca, Spain Fira B Festival
29/08/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteRhodes, Greece Rhodes International Jazz Festival
26/08/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteTrier, Germany Mosel Musikfestival Kulturhafen
23/08/2022Congés Annulés RotondesLuxembourg, Luxembourg Rotondes
21/08/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteWorms, Germany Jazz and Joy Festival
20/07/2022RECORDING Session CAM JAZZCavalicco Italy
19/07/2022RECORDING Session CAM JAZZCavalicco Italy
18/07/2022RECORDING Session CAM JAZZCavalicco Italy
07/07/2022On tour with Dock in AboluteAglantsia , Cyprius Algan Jazz Festival
30/06/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteVenise, Italy Venezia Jazz Festival
05/06/2022Nomad the Group_Video Clip Release ConcertEnkenbach-Alsenborn (Kaiserslautern), Germany Klangwerkstatt
04/06/2022Video Clip Release Concert Nomad the Group & ZérolexEsch-sûr-Alzette, Luxembourg Site Arbed Esch-Schifflange (accès parking Aloyse Meyer Esch-sûr-Alzette)
22/05/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteEupen, Belgium Eupen Musik Marathon
05/05/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteTallinn, Estonia Philly Joe's Jazz Club
23/04/2022On tour with Dock in AbsoluteTréveneuc, France Château De Pommorio
22/04/2022L'histoire du Soldat_KammerataEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
21/04/2022L'histoire du Soldat_KammerataEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
04/03/2022Album record with Dock in AbsoluteItaly
17/12/2021Terry Riley - In C - Kammerata Luxb. - Concert de MidiLuxembourg , Luxembourg Protestant Church
10/12/2021Nomad the Group_Baba Yaga_New Programm releaseEttelbrück, Luxembourg CAPE
27/11/2021On tour with Dock in AboluteLiège, Belgium L'An Vert
31/10/2021On tour with Dock in AbsoluteCairo, Egypt Cairo Jazz Festival
30/10/2021On tour with Dock in AboluteCairo , Egypt Cairo Jazz Festival
22/10/2021On tour with Dock in AboluteBerlin, Germany Jazz in den Ministergärten
15/10/2021United Instruments of Lucilin_O Taxi N°9297Luxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
07/10/2021On tour with Dock in Absolute_Private ConcertLuxembourg, Luxembourg Privat
30/09/2021On tour with Dock in AbsoluteGörlitz, Germany Jazztage Görlitz
26/09/2021Odyssey - A dance throught the gardens of Ansembourg's Castle_15:00Ansembourg, Luxembourg Castle
26/09/2021Odyssey - A dance throught the gardens of Ansembourg's Castle_17:00Ansembourg, Luxembourg Castle
17/09/2021Musikfestspiele Saar_Canto Ostinato_VKGroupDillingen, Germany Lokschuppen Dillingen
11/09/2021On tour with Dock in AbsoluteBaku, Aserbaidschan Baku Jazz Festival
10/09/2021Premier of "Mirror"_Trio piece by Victor Kraus_commissioned by ArsNovaLuxLuxembourg, Luxembourg Protestant Church
04/06/2021Kammerata Luxembourg - Strawinsky - Histoire du Soldat - Mise en scène: Ela Baumann (10h00 - scolaire)Ettelbrück, Luxembourg CAPE
04/06/2021Kammerata Luxembourg - Strawinsky - Histoire du Soldat - Mise en scène: Ela Baumann (14h00 - scolaire)Ettelbrück, Luxembourg CAPE
03/06/2021Kammerata Luxembourg - Strawinsky - Histoire du Soldat - Mise en scène: Ela BaumannEttelbrück, Luxembourg CAPE
21/05/2021NOMAD_Concert de Midi_ LCTOLuxembourg , Luxembourg Conservatoire de Musique VDL
30/04/2021On tour with Dock in AbsoluteHaut-de-Cagnes-sur-Mer, France Jazz au Chateau
23/04/2021Concert de Midi_LCTO_Canto Ostinato_VictorKrausGroupLuxembourg, Luxembourg Salle Polyvalente_Conservatoire Luxembourg
27/03/2021NOMAD_VOLTKaiserslautern, Germany Klangwerkstatt
26/03/2021NOMAD the GROUP - VOLTSaarbrücken, Germany Jules Wayne
05/03/2021NOMAD & Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg (OCL)Echternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
28/02/2021NOMAD_VOLT @ Apéro Jazz XL - Neimënster LuxembourgLuxembourg, Luxembourg Neimënster
11/02/2021Kammerata Luxembourg_Geroges Lentz_NguurraaEchternach, Luxembourg Trifolion
11/12/2020Conato Ostinato (Electro Version)_Victor Kraus Group_featuring Emre SevindikLuxembourg, Luxembourg Neimënster
06/12/2020On tour with Dock in AbsoluteUkraine
05/12/2020On tour with Dock in AbsoluteUkraine
04/12/2020On tour with Dock in AbsoluteUkraine
26/11/2020Concert ArsNovaLuxLuxembourg, Luxembourg Cercle Münster
13/11/202014:30_NOMAD THE GROUP @ Brandbau Wiltz_(scolaire)Wiltz, Luxembourg Brandbau
13/11/202020:00_NOMAD THE GROUP_VOLT @ Brandbau WiltzWiltz, Luxembourg Brandbau
22/10/2020Covid Cancelation_Ministergärten Festival BerlinBerlin, Germany Ministergärten
17/10/2020COVID CANCELATION_United Instruments of Lucilin - Ciné Concert - "TAXI9297" music by igor Silva - Conductor: Brad LubmanLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
10/10/2020COVID CANCELATION_On tour with Dock in AbsoluteBaku, Aserbaidschan Baku Jazz Festival
10/10/2020COVID CANCELATION_VIVA ESPAÑA_Cajon Orchestra & Orchestre Philharmonique de Luxembourg_School ConcertLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
09/10/2020COVID CANCELATION_VIVA ESPAÑA_Cajon Orchestra & Orchestre Philharmonique de LuxembourgLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
03/10/2020Kammerata Luxembourg - Strawinsky - La Suite de l'Histoire du SoldatEsch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg Théâtre
27/09/2020Klenge Marnecher Festival - NOMAD the GROUP - VOLTMarnach, Luxembourg CUBE 521
25/09/2020On tour with Dock in AbsoluteMol Belgium
13/09/2020Covid_Cancelation_Video shooting with Espera ProdLuxembourg, Luxembourg Melusina
12/09/2020COVID Cancelation_Video shooting with Espera ProdLuxembourg, Luxembourg Melusina
06/09/2020Victor Kraus Group_Canto OstinatoMarnach, Luxembourg CUBE521
29/08/2020COVID CANCELATION_On tour with Dock in AbsoluteRhodes, Greece Rhodos Jazz Festival
13/08/2020COVID CANCELATION_On tour with Dock in AbsoluteSaint-Jean Cap Ferrat, France Festival de Saint Jean Cap Ferrat
28/07/2020On tour with Dock in Absolute-DUE TO COVID 19 - Concert moved to another dateCrest, France Crest Jazz Vocal Festival
19/07/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - Kamerata_Echterlive FestivalEchternach, Luxembourg Église St. Pierre & Paul
18/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteNingbo, China Grand Theater
18/07/2020Recording with Kamerata Luxembourg_Georges LentzEchternach, Luxembourg Église St. Pierre & Paul
17/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteChongquing, China Guotai Concert Hall
16/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteFuling, China Grand Theater
12/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteFoshan, China Grand Theater
11/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteHeyuan, China Taohuashuimu Grand Theater
10/07/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in AbsoluteSingapore, Singapore Singapore Jazz in July
27/06/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in Absolute?, Brasil ?
26/06/20201_DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - ArsNovaLux_Concert de midiLuxembourg, Luxembourg Villa Vauban
26/06/20202_DUE TO COVID 19 - PREMIER MOVED TO 26/11/2020 - Premier of Victor Kraus' "Mirror" - trio for Guitar, flute and percussion (commissioned by ArsNovaLux)Luxembourg, Luxembourg Villa Vauban
26/06/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - On tour with Dock in Absolute?, Brasil ?
25/06/2020DUE TO COVID19 - tour moved to another date - On tour with Dock in Absolute?, Brasil ?
25/06/2020Wheelharmony - Cologne Philharmonie Video shootCologne, Germany Philharmonie
24/06/2020Video Shoot Philharmonie Cologne with Martin Frink_WheelharmonyCologne, Germany Philharmony
23/06/2020Video Shoot Philharmonie Cologne with Martin Frink_WheelharmonyCologne, Germany Philharmonie
20/06/2020Recording of Georges Lentz Nguurra - Kammerata LuxembourgLuxembourg, Luxembourg CML
19/06/2020Private Concert - Kammerata LuxembourgLuxembourg
18/06/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - VK SOLO: Festspiele Mecklenburg-VorpommernRostock, Germany Ostseestadion
10/06/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - Lucilin_ConcertBelvaux, Luxembourg Maison du Savoir
26/05/2020DUE TO COVID19 - jury moved to another date -JuryDudelange, Luxembourg EMD
09/05/2020DUE TO COVID19 - concert moved to another date - Victor Kraus Group_Canto OstinatoMarnach, Luxembourg CUBE 521
07/05/2020VOLT (short version)Luxembourg, Luxembourg Refuge Péitrusshaus
30/04/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - Kamerata Luxembourg_Igor Strawinsky_L'histoire du SoldatEsch-sur-Alzette , Luxembourg Theater Esch-sur-Alzette
29/04/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - Kamerata Luxembourg_Igor Strawinsky_L'histoire du SoldatEsch-sur-Alzette , Luxembourg Theater Esch-sur-Alzette
22/03/2020DUE TO COVID 19 - CONCERT MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE - Private Concert NoMad the GroupRemich , Luxembourg Private House
05/03/2020WorkshopHowald , Luxembourg Howald School
03/03/2020WorkshopNiederanven, Luxembourg School
27/02/2020CD release Concert NoMad the GroupLuxembourg, Luxembourg De Gudde Wëllen
25/02/2020WorkshopNiederanven, Luxembourg Niederanven School
20/02/2020EME ConcertEsch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg Hospital
12/02/2020noMad the GroupEttelbrück, Luxembourg CAPE_Studio
26/01/2020"Sitting for decades" - live performance with artist Patrick MullerLuxembourg, Luxembourg Casino Luxembourg
24/01/2020"Sitting for decades" - live performance with artist Patrick MullerLuxembourg, Luxembourg Casino Luxembourg
14/12/2019Cajon Orchestra_WORKSHOPLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
13/12/2019Cajon Orchestra_WORKSHOPLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
07/12/2019Djembe WorkshopLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
04/12/2019ArsNovaLux_Concert ActarLuxembourg, Luxembourg Conservatory
30/11/2019ArsNovaLux_ConcertGarnich, Luxembourg Église
23/11/2019ArsNovaLux_Festival Rainy DaysLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
30/10/2019ArsNovaLux_ConcertCopenhagen, Denmark Italian Embassy
12/10/2019Victor Kraus Group featuring EMRE SEVINDIK (electronics) Canto Ostinato (electro version) 20:00 hour setLuxembourg, Luxembourg MUDAM
12/10/2019Victor Kraus Group featuring EMRE SEVINDIK (electronics) Canto Ostinato (electro version) 22:15 hour setLuxembourg, Luxembourg MUDAM
07/10/2019Victor Kraus Group_Canto Ostinato_Camerata_Solistes Européens LuxembourgLuxembourg, Luxembourg Philharmonie
23/09/2019Trombone Unit & KrausFrink_Gustav Holst_PlanetenLeuven, Belgium Aula Pieter De Sommer
16/08/2019KrausFrink & Alexej GerassimezRostock, Germany Festspiele Meckelnburg-Vorpommern
15/08/2019KrausFrink & Alexej Gerassimez_MVP von ObenRostock, Germany Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
11/07/2019noMad the GroupWiltz, Luxembourg Wiltz Festival
On tour with Dock in AbsoluteNamur, Belgium La Nef